The Radiant Woman' releases stress and gains radiance during the holidays

One prerecorded MasterClass for you to move through your emotions... build strength for the holiday season and relax
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About This Product:

These two Magnify Method Masterclasses are for women to:
Magnify their shine and repel the muck Method 
  • Refresh & feel your best. 

  • Balance your mind and body through emotional release meditations. 

  • Flashwrite to integrate the processes to the shifts stick!

  •  Use these techniques in a moment's time to create a more joyful state of being.

If a dark day of emotions has you feeling blah, blue, sluggish, and or depressed... 

It's time to shake it off to feel your best even during challenging times.

Get ready to turn off the hot and cold mood shifts and recognize that you can become your own barometer

This pre-recorded masterclass has the potential for you to

  • shake off frustration
  • lead from your heart instead of your head
  • feel your feelings and move through emotions
  • regulate your mood 
  • create your own internal landscape

What to Bring?
Yourself and an open mind

Option: yoga mat/seat cushion 
Sit on the floor, at a desk, chair, or couch...
Journal & pen for flash writing

Gain practical tips for you to use at any time in your everyday living 

Transform your state of being with a 3-Step Process to Nourish yourself from the inside out in a creative space for women.

Don't miss out on the priming prep method.
You're one step away.

This Awaken the power within pre-recorded Workshop incorporates yogic lifestyle skills and active meditations for you to have more energy and time to experience an inner happy glow. Release worry and transform your emotions.

Why am I so passionate to guide women on a healing journey or recover more quickly from sadness, pain, and obstacles and find more happiness day-to-day?

The yoga lifestyle practices and creative meditations might give you permission to: 
  • Relax and recharge 
  • Release stress  
  • Override misbeliefs
  • Open up authentic keys for conscious communication  
  • Increase focus, intuition, and vitality
  • Enhance the way you relate to others by relaying a clear message
  • Transform energy for conscious connections 
  • Apply breathwork skills for inner calm 

  • You're one step away from scrolling down to the prerecorded masterclass today.

The contents of this training, such as text, graphics, images, and other material are intended for informational and educational purposes and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. The contents of this training are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, or medical regimen. lifestyle, and/or mental health care.

Program Details

Ignite your energy awareness spiritual toolbox
Available Now
Use motion to elevate your emotions
Available Now
PIVOT with clarity and control
Available Now

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Marla Sacks

Marla's a yoga lifestyles, and meditation mentor encouraging women to be their own emotional barometer by living in the here + now The Radiant Woman shines beyond her physical beauty by uncovering her natural light.
See Full Biography >
Marla Sacks, is a, creative artist, writer, mom of 4 
She guides women to boost their  immune systems and relationships with love and kindness through online and in-person programs : 
  • quieting your mind so you shine from your heart 
  • integrating life at home & or at work 
  • physical and mental health challenges 
  • spiritual seekers 
  • yoga wisdom enthusiasts 
  • teachers/students 
  • therapists 
  • creatives 
  • health and wellness professionals
  • energy healers 

Marla’s traveled and studied with many renowned masters from around the world. Marla offers her own signature touch * Magnify Method 24/7 toolset 
  • Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction (MBSR),
  • Angel Yoga for children
  • Inner Chakra Healer© 
  • Reiki / Sat Nam Rasayan© (in truth, Ancient arts energy healer)
  • Kundalini (energy awareness) 
  • Authentic Relationships 
  • Conscious Communications 
  • Psych-K® facilitator, declaring new beliefs and goal statements
  • Yoga therapeutics 
  • 500 E RYT-Registered Yoga.
 mantra, movement, mudras (hand gestures) meditations, nature, and creative solutions 
Marla's presence: 
Nature lover
  • The Radiant Woman Programs & Retreats
  • Conscious Connections Course 
  • Magnify Method 24/7 toolset
  • Teen Yoga Course with Yoga Therapist: Amanda Sacks 

Compassion’s a gift from the heart.
The Radiant Woman seeks light even when everything turns dark 

See Short Biography >

Access other courses by Marla
Get This Course Today
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