Financial Fitness Workshop - 6 simple steps to manage your money.

An easy-to-understand guide to take control of your personal finances. Learn how to budget effectively, pay off debt faster, save more, and live a more fulfilled life.
view_module Modules 6
menu_book Sessions 18

About This Product:

Can you imagine if you never had to worry about money again?
It's possible - you just need a strategy that works and be prepared to take action!

In this workshop I’ll share the secrets and practical tools from top financial minds to enable you to create financial security for yourself and your family. Experience peace-of-mind by learning how to manage your money effectively and create a plan that works for you.

·      6 video lessons (approx. 15 - 30 minutes each)
·      Downloadable pdf of the PowerPoint slides
·      Downloadable Practical Application workbook
·      Budget spreadsheet (Spending plan) 
·      Income statement plan
·      Balance sheet spreadsheet
·      Debt snowball plan spreadsheet 

What you’ll learn:

·       Your money mindset - Identify limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.
·       How to allocate your money - Set up a spending plan (budget) that works for you. 
·       Practical ways to manage your finances - Save and get money working for you.
·       Cash flow patterns - Understand how building assets could potentially lead you to enjoy a better lifestyle. 
·       How to get out of debt - faster than you thought possible.
·       How to create a plan to get from where you are to where you want to be.
·       How to be content - Know how much is enough.

Program Details

Intro to Module 1
Available Now
Lets get started
Available Now
Financial Fitness Manual (PowerPoint slides)
Available Now
Practical application for this online workshop.
Available Now

Intro to Module 2
Available Now
Understanding the Money Game - video training.
Available Now
Practical Application: What is your net worth?
Available Now

Intro to Module 3
Available Now
How to budget effectively - video training.
Available Now

Intro to Module 4
Available Now
Debt - video training.
Available Now
The Cost of Debt
Available Now
Debt Snowball
Available Now

Intro Module 5
Available Now
Saving & Investing - video training.
Available Now

Intro Module 6
Available Now
How much is enough? - video training.
Available Now
66 Day Challenge
Available Now

What Do People Think About This Program?


Jan Haw
Nov 24, 2021
We recently attended Nikki's course on Financial Wellness and found it to be incredibly informative. Anyone can take the course and learn something valuable from it.  Money, finances, retirement and debt. Words that can mean different things for different people, but for many, it's overwhelming and daunting. The course certainly helped us have those conversations, and put us on "the straight and narrow", particularly after such a difficult 18 months for the industry in which we both work. We were extremely grateful to Nikki for her time and for imparting her knowledge to us. Thank you, Nikki!
Khensani Gaisa
Nov 24, 2021
Mastermind has helped me gain the tools I need to take ownership of my finances! I would recommend it to everyone!
Dec 13, 2021
Amazing course! Life changing! Profound content and easy application to every individual. 
Nikki truly lives out what she teaches and value for money of what you pay compared to what you get is unbelievable! 

Would highly recommend no matter your background or experience!
Jeremy Li Wan Po
Dec 06, 2021
Such a great course! Learnt so much on how to properly manage my money and to grow my money through investments! I feel like I have taken a great step towards reaching financial freedom! Can’t wait for more courses so that I can keep learning!
Sacha des Tombe
Dec 06, 2021
I recently completed my financial fitness workshop with Nikki Sinclair. So much valuable information was shared from her wealth of knowledge - I have always struggled with a bad relationship with money and my finances and felt that setting financial goals was not for me and not something I needed to sort out-  this course helped me understand the importance of taking hold of my finances, I am less fearful when it comes to investing and it has made financial goals both practical and  achievable! Highly recommend this course. You will make back your money easily with all her tips, tricks and healthy money managing habits!
Cici Van der Velde
Dec 06, 2021
This was an incredible course. It not only gave me understanding on managing finances with wisdom and clarity but it actually gave me freedom and excitement to steward my finances. Nikki is so relatable, kind and full of life. I would highly recommend this course to everyone. My journey with money has significantly changed ever since.                                                                                
Nikki Sinclair

Nikki has combined years of experience, knowledge and expertise to teach personal financial skills and basic investing that will give you peace of mind, new hope and confidence to manage your money.
See Full Biography >
Nikki Sinclair is a business owner, best-selling author, mother of 3 and financial expert. She has a Post Grad degree in education and 25 years of experience in Financial Education, but it is her life lessons that have equipped her to share her knowledge and help people on their journey to financial freedom.

Being married to a Chartered Accountant, Nikki avoided anything to do with finances, especially budgeting, until she realised that being in control of her money gave her peace of mind and more freedom.
After losing her husband suddenly, she was grateful that she understood how to manage the family finances and investments and the one thing she didn't have to worry about was money.

Seeing friends, family  and clients struggling with finances gave her a growing desire to teach others what she has learned. She believes that life is too short to worry about money and that
financial freedom is possible for anyone.

f you are ready to take control of your finances, she'd love to  share with you what she's learned from top financial minds to help fast track you on your journey.
See Short Biography >

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Disclosure: The depicted experience is not necessarily typical. Your background, education, experience, work ethic may differ. Examples are given to illustrate a point and do not guarantee success. Your results may vary. Everything in this workshop is for education purposes only. Consult external data or a financial planner before making any financial or investment decisions.